SKCRF has been involved in issues related to sustainability and livelihoods of people, especially women. Women take a central role in cattle raising. They not only maintain cattle but also are important in herding them into Korangadu. They also rear other livestock such as poultry and sheep in addition to the Kangayam cattle. Sheep is an important livestock that plays a vital role in the rural economy, especially women.
Women buy livestock which are very young and raise them to sell them. This makes them economically independent. They would also raise crops that are needed for the household and evolve sustainable models for livelihood. Women also take active part in breed management. When there is a need for a stud bull in a village, they let one of them from their stock and earn a small fee for the services rendered. SKCRF is studying these models and in return providing training to women in natural farming using compost and preparing Panchagavya. They are free to make their own Panchagavya and sell in the market. Studies are taken up by independent groups of people in association with SKCRF to document and monitor their practices.